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The Empress’ New Groove

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Empress Cassandra’s First Messy Domination!

Runtime:  6 min, 56 secs
Size: 406 MB

The Empress’ New Groove introducing the vivacious and sexy Empress Cassandra! She is a professional dominatrix and this is her first time dominating anyone with pies! This video captures the incredible energy that Empress Cassandra has for delivering a pie! This has been a fantasy of Creamy’s for a long time so it was really exciting to make her dream come true! In this scene Creamy is naked and bent over a table and her wrists are restrained behind her back. Empress Cassandra’s gorgeous body is dressed in a sexy tight black vinyl dress and has a table of cakes and pies that she’s going to use on Creamy. She places a cake in front of my her, then, she spanks Creamy with a pie and it forces her face down into the cake! She keeps spanking her with pie after pie, sending her face into cake after cake! Empress Cassandra really dominates Creamy with pies and she has the most fun doing it, she really loves making a mess! This video is her introduction to WAM and she absolutely loved it and will definitely be working with us again in the future!




7 mins


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