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Bobbing for Bananas

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Kymberly Jane and Randy Moore play a game of bobbing for bananas in a tub of chocolate pudding.

Runtime:  8 min, 13 secs
Size: 504 MB

Sweet and sultry sirens Kymberly Jane and Randy Moore are a chocolate lovers delight! Dressed like they’re at a county fair, both Kym and Randy are wearing sexy plaid dresses that accentuate their voluptuous forms. They’re seated next to a large bucket of chocolate pudding and bananas and are going to play a game and have some messy fun. They’re going to take turns trying to grab a bananas from the pudding using only their mouths. Whoever gets the banana first wins and the loser has to clean up the whole mess. The first one in is Randy, she sees a banana and sticks her face into the pudding tries to capture one, but she is not successful. She pushes her face in a little deeper, but to no avail. She pulls her face out and is covered in the pudding! Kym points and laughs at her before she says, “Let me show you how to do it!” And she does! Kym sticks her entire head into the bucket, so far that her cleavage and her dress are covered with pudding as she rises out of the bucket. But Kym didn’t get a banana either. So Randy tries again. She sticks her head into the bucket as well, but still no banana. They keep going back and forth and getting more and more covered, chocolate dripping down their faces and down their dresses, filling their cleavages. Finally, they both decide to go in together at the same time. And when they both lift their heads out, they have bananas in their mouth! Now, they will both have to clean up the mess together. But they’ll actually just slip away and leave it for someone else to find! Those cheeky, sexy, little minxes!

Make sure and watch past the end credits for a special scene.


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